Our Mission: The Health and Wellness Orchestra is a community-based orchestra that enhances the physical and mental well-being of its musicians and audience through the power of music.
The Health and Wellness Orchestra was founded in 2008 with around 20 musicians and initially practiced and performed at Poudre Valley Hospital. The Orchestra is now composed of 150 players who love to play for our own enjoyment, health and for the enjoyment (wellness) of our audience.
The HW Orchestra needs your support! Over 80% of the funding to pay for rehearsal space, pay the conductor, rent or borrow music and pay for the world-class Griffin stage, comes from donations. Donations are made through the Front Range Community College Foundation and are tax deductible. Please make sure to select: "The Dr Ann Yanagi Health & Wellness Orchestra Fund" on the donation screen.
Did you know that you can also donate through your IRA? This is a great way to give to the orchestra without the taxs.
The HW Orchestra needs your support! Over 80% of the funding to pay for rehearsal space, pay the conductor, rent or borrow music and pay for the world-class Griffin stage, comes from donations. Donations are made through the Front Range Community College Foundation and are tax deductible. Please make sure to select: "The Dr Ann Yanagi Health & Wellness Orchestra Fund" on the donation screen.
Did you know that you can also donate through your IRA? This is a great way to give to the orchestra without the taxs.
Donations: All donations are greatly appreciated. Every bit helps. Click here